Hi Everyone...
The studio is busier than EVER!!..I am so loving everything..THANKS EVERYONE..
I am trying to fit everyone in with the times you want..:) ..When booking please suggest a few different times as the studio is pretty booked for the next few months..
So I have been asked a few questions and I would love to answer them here...
1. How long have you been doing this?...
Photography...16 years..I have been studying and learning since I was 16 years old..buying university books on photography and teaching myself everything I could.
2. Did you go to school for Photography?
Nope...I spent the last 10 years investing my money into equipment and learning materials...I have many friends and many teachers of the subject who give great advice.. I am constantly learning online and through seminars. I admit it has taken me 5 years to learn what some in college could learn in a 2 but I was once told by a Photography Professor "The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE.(quoted from Ernst Haas). ...to "see" is something that cannot be taught. Maybe college for me one day..NAW!!..lol
3. Who inspires you?
Anne Geddes for what seems like forever. I bought a book of hers 10 years ago and said "yes" this is what I want to do..The style, the beauty of the images.
I think my favourite photographer EVER would have to be Mindy Harmon... www.mindyharmon.com
She is an amazing photographer in Texas..I have followed her blog for almost 2 years now and she is probably my biggest inspiration. She has amazing ideas, which I have seen many places..;) I think if I get asked if I copy anyones style it would be HERS!!!!FOR SURE!
My boyfriend & daughter inspire me to follow what I love and NEVER GIVE UP!
4. Where do you get your ideas?
My head!!..:)
Prop stores.. www.photographyprops.com
EBAY!!!~tons of great ideas there...
Family and friends....
Mindy's Website..see above question!!
MOMS...the best source for prop ideas..Moms know what they want in their kids pics. Most often they have seen a pic somewhere and want the same thing done for their child.
I have had everything brought to the studio from toilet paper to dirtbike gear to a wooden Harley Davidson motorcycle..
I love new props ideas and welcome any suggestions..email with your ideas..
5.Why do you do it?
I LOVE IT!....
6. Why did u Choose this style?
Almost two years ago I was walking through a local mall and saw a new "chain" studio opening up. I loved the style they used and the WHITE BACKGROUND..I said thats it...I want pics done there of my daughter.. I walked in and saw an astonishing prices, turned and walked back out..!..I got home and right away researched the cost of opening this type of studio. I realized that with 50 hours a week at my "other job" and my Bf working the same.. I could do it ..and for alot less then they were charging.. I researched with friends and made sure this was something people wanted here! I was met with open arms as many other moms had seen this studios prices as well..they were excited and came with GREAT IDEAS!
So a year and a half ago I opened the studio in Prince Edward County. I started with pictures of my daughter her friends..tweaking things to make them the images I want. As I realize this style is very popular, and many others do the same thing, we strive to be different in our service to the clients..:)
7. Which pic if your fave??
The one I will take tomorrow!
Ok Hope this helps..LOL...any other questions just ask..