Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hi everyone....

Been so busy lately, I honestly thought the studio would slow down after Christmas..
THANKS to everyone for keeping me sooo busy...Trying to keep up with sessions on the blog I am so far behind I am just posting recent ones...If you dont see your pics here and want too..just message me..:)

Studio sessions are still always available the next day.. I have injured my arm and am working slower but if you know me ..you know I don't quit until it's done!!...

March Break is next week and I will post here the times left for the March Break Friendship Shoots. ( not many left)
The studio will be closed on March 21 & 22 as I have Birthday Plans!!

I have awesome ideas for the summer..check back here for some cool photo ideas and specials for the spring and summer.

I have booked many weddings this summer and I am hoping to keep some weekend hours at the studio, I can always book evenings to accomodate any schedule.

Thanks again for your amazing support and KEEP BOOKING..