Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Studio...


The backgrounds are hung, the lights are up...the props are unpacked..we are officially in PICTON...
I have had so many requests to move into Picton that I finally found a great location.. I love to look for "different" places to put the studio..A boring stuffy old garage or sterile storefront..no way, not for me. I always look for something with charm, something that stands out...and nothing stands out more in Picton then our beautiful Regent Theatre.

..After spending a year in Bloomfield in the beautiful Stark House..that had tons of charm and charactor..and many compliments on the old location, I felt it was time to move it to a bigger and better location.

I have had a tons on inquiries on when we will be up and running..
Well ....
this weekend..
I have 3 appointments in the NEW STUDIO this Sat and I still have one opening for 1pm...My Sunday is already completly BOOKED...here I thought it would slow down after Christmas..

Studio sessions in the NEW studio are only $40 this month... includes your cd and taxes...

Thanks to everyone for the welcome to PICTON...thanks to my wonderful husband for moving the studio and helping me setup..without you this wouldnt be possible..
Thanks to Everyone for your amazing support and help with EVERYTHING..The last year has been awesome!!!!