Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Something Interesting

I was tagged to list 8 interesting things about me that you all probably don't know and then find 8 more people to do the same

1. I only drink diet coke.Except for breakfast...need a French Vanilla Cappachino!!
2. I love reality TV..the cheesier the better.
3. My pet peeve is FEET...i just dont like them
4. My biggest fear is cars...well hitting something with them.
5. I wear pajamas most of the time....anyone who has stopped by knows that.
6. I love Fast Food....the greasier the better.
7. I cant sleep without a duvet....no comforter..a DUVET
8. I spend WAY to much time on my computer

ok now heres a pic

Brookes first day of school...she looks impressed